Jun 10, 2011

CROATIA June 8-10

 June 8: We camped near ZADAR.  We drove down the scenic coastline.  It was rugged and rocky terrain with islands out in the distance.

June 9: SPLIT.  Split is where the Roman emperor Diocletian chose to put his vacation palace.  It is on the most indented part of the Adriatic Coast. 

Side note:  Mike, my brother, and his family wanted to jump in our suitcase and come along on the trip.  Well they did, and here is a picture to prove it (look between the Romans!).

June 10:  DUBROVNIK.  Along part of the drive to Dubrovnik, we saw vast valley areas with fruit groves and vendors along the roadside selling fruit, olive oil, and honey.  We also drove along the coastline and saw a multitude of islands.  In fact, there are over 1000 islands along the coast.
Today we went through about five miles of the country of BOSNIA to get to the southern part of Croatia.  A small section of land that borders the sea belongs to BOSNIA.
For our boater friends, we are putting a picture of a bad day at boating.  This boat hit the rocks and was sinking.  It was near a beach where we were swimming.

To end this, we would like to share what our friends, John and Karen Siscoe, have on their last update:

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain

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